- You TEAM RAGE QUIT???? hahahahahahaha sorry WHO cares too much?
- GskiLL dominated someone? NO WAY! Take your licks like a man you sissy bitch.
- Getting a life does NOT mean getting raped in TPG, and then crying on 1911 about it
- Why didn't you just use a ringer? Instead of using 5, leaving, and crying?
- Why didn't you guys just cheat? You guys do it all the time in your own server in scrims.
- If an MG goes bunker on Donner, either leave one camping the exit, and send everyone mid, or rotate a sniper to get em, then take the MG and set it up. Welcome to DoD.
- Any team harboring Defiance, the giant butthurt turbo-deuche **** that was mainly responsible for **** this league up, deserves a hell of a lot more than just an MG used against him. Defiance took my original DoD team, and dragged them through the mud until they were finally sick of playing and they all quit. 40 players. Like them or not, in a dying game it's not always a great idea to treat players like shit and strong-arm them into quitting because you don't like them. And that's just what he did to us. **** you. I swim in a river of your tears all the way to my happiness. Let it flow through you.
And another thing, why is everyone SO afraid of g.skiLL? I'd play them 1v6, get my salad tossed for about 5 thousand points, say GG and totally get drunk about it like a REAL man. You nerds try so hard, and get so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter, cuz you rage quit at half like a 10yr old playing Call of Duty
"Cmon guys, lets all be 1 giant **** together. It won't feel as embarrasing." haha WRONG!!!! Maybe you guys should just disband and join open teams so you wont have to play against teams that "got skill".
Also* Rd 1 playoffs dgf vs g.skiLL GLHF!~