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Re: .iwa vs sunnyville

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:48 am
by bluerevolver
hella hella random. overall thumbs down going mid but wutev i'd play muhle aluetian sherman solitude (what else?) and pretty much any other map we've tried in leagues

Re: .iwa vs sunnyville

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:09 am
by knockout
joeledmunds wrote:Even when I've done bad on this map I haven't felt like it was the maps fault for being bad. The only route I didn't like much was middle, and even that I have a lot of fun playing. You just really need to have map control to cap middle usually or a smart player is probably going to be able to get a nade on you, or just peek you.

And mountain is a lot of fun.
See, your first sentence is actually the counter to what I would say. In our match I had a lot of kills my route, but it didn't matter because it was simply that- my route. I couldn't help mid because I would have to make noise going up a ladder, and a player could turn and shoot before my feet ever get planted. I felt like I was dominating the mountain side as axis, but it didn't really matter because all I could do was try to spawn camp (incredibly difficult on this what do I do?). Honestly, I feel like this map would probably be a really "fun" pub map, but as far as competition goes, it has no place in a league rotation.

Re: .iwa vs sunnyville

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:25 pm
by nunz