Jaggon, don't try to write off the impact of what he's doing because he's got shit line up in the future. I don't care what he's doing in the future. Nothing excused what he did. He's been doing it for a long time, everyone knows this. The worst part is that he's always talked shit after 12mans and scrims about how great he did. I've been playing this game for years and I haven't used cheats outside of making shitty dod movies. Throughout my time playing DOD, I've been a stepping stone for people who are good, and people who are cheating. And none of them have been gracious about their accomplishments, except DGF... they've been a bright spot in this community. Their TPG team ID is 29!
The fact that he has to cheat in 12mans to cope with his stress and anger of getting killed(legit or not) is very indicative of his character. He, and all the others who have cheating in this game have done nothing but ruin it for all of us. This community is complete trash and is a contributing factor to the games current state. E'man **** off and disappearing actually brought life into the community, hopefully Ryan leaving will do the same. Leaving gotFrag was a great decision.
Hopefully this community will quit circle jerking each other about how great they are when a whole bunch of them have been cheating in scrims and 12mans. I don't care what you did at LAN, you don't have to be an asshole online; especially in such a small community where ...
as someone who played with him for 6 years online ... have had candid conversations with him
Clearly, you knew he cheated. You should be banned for harboring a cheater.
Suck it up, play legit, and don't take the risk of killing off this game anymore than it already is.
REALLY? You've been cal-banned for hacking. How ironic.
Stop ball riding him, treating this like an obituary, and showing him respect. He deserves none.
It's people like you, Jaggon and Ryan, that drive all these other nerds(including yourselves) to cheat.
I understand the irony in my next line, but I wish everyone could be (this part ->)civil, quit cheating, and just have fun playing the game. My memories of interacting with you two have generally been pretty positive(maybe 50/50 Ryan, you were pretty cool during that OSE league crap we tried and failed to make), I don't see why you guys have to maintain an asshole facade. Talking shit for fun, I get it... but it doesn't need to go further than that.
Being an admin in TPG has to be the least rewarding job, because a good amount of you guys are assholes. Drop the Asperger's Syndrome and start enjoying company of one another, not spamming shitty gifs, and putting each other down for LuLz? ...
P.S. I expect to see a gif below this post, because I've given up hope. *sigh*