Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:09 am
INB4 some butthurt nerd deletes this thread.
Relax, lounge around, and find out who hacks.
They can't anymore. #absolutepowerNicholson wrote:INB4 some butthurt nerd deletes this thread.
milo wrote:Handle: jb_
Team: Like A Boss!
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:96297
Start Date: Apr 02 2013
End Date: Apr 02 2014
Rule Violation: 7.7
Reason: Cheating Outside of TPG
Tin Bad wrote:Jb_ wrote:Thats the dumbest shit I've ever read. So your saying its ok for me and other players who have been to multiple lans and WON multiple lans can just cheat away in 12 mans and scrims bc we are more known in the community? Its no **** fun playing a wallhacking douche bag no matter who they are or what they've done. The reason we all even play this game is because we find some kind of fun in it. If cheating is cool and accepted then what the **** is the point of a lan? I personally feel like if your caught cheating during the time of this final lan if it happens you shouldn't be allowed to attend. Maybe that will keep SOME people from thinking twice about it if they plan on making this lan. Yeh you can bet your sweet ass I will be there if this does indeed happen.Polak wrote:So what if Ryan cheated in a scrim or a 12man. A cheater is always a cheater... or blah blah blah.
The Markos are a huge part of this community and have been to lans to support this game. Probably have done than most.
Tin Bad wrote:Jb_ wrote:Thats the dumbest shit I've ever read. So your saying its ok for me and other players who have been to multiple lans and WON multiple lans can just cheat away in 12 mans and scrims bc we are more known in the community? Its no **** fun playing a wallhacking douche bag no matter who they are or what they've done. The reason we all even play this game is because we find some kind of fun in it. If cheating is cool and accepted then what the **** is the point of a lan? I personally feel like if your caught cheating during the time of this final lan if it happens you shouldn't be allowed to attend. Maybe that will keep SOME people from thinking twice about it if they plan on making this lan. Yeh you can bet your sweet ass I will be there if this does indeed happen.Polak wrote:So what if Ryan cheated in a scrim or a 12man. A cheater is always a cheater... or blah blah blah.
The Markos are a huge part of this community and have been to lans to support this game. Probably have done than most.Jb_ wrote:You really think I care about the prize money? If I go I will probably end up on a tpg main team there to have fun. That's the whole reason I said what I did. This lan to me isn't about the money but about the memories. That's why I believe people would actually act right and stop blatently cheating if they had any REAL thought of attending this lan. Believe me I understand how small the community is, I only played 3 matches this season so I myself am never around but I def show up to lan. Bottom line: cheating makes a fun game unfun and the whole point to playing is to have fun. Its not like ryan cheating was a big secret, we all know he does it from time to time. There is no excuse for it, I don't care how loaded you are.Polak wrote:
It's my opinion and I never said cheating is cool and accepted, but if someone at this point gets drunk or loads up a hack randomly then who cares. Cheating in a 12man too me is way different than cheating in a match. There is no way ONE PERSON can ruin a whole entire game at this point for being retarded on a 12man. Should he be banned for a year and receive strict punishment outside of league play? No I don't think anyone should be banned for a year for cheating in a scrim or a 12man, maybe two months. And I will be attending this lan 100 percent. Also who cares about actually winning this lan or the prize money. If I somehow win this lan I promise any winnings I have a right to will be donated back to 1911. I don't need a grand or two from this game, I just want friends and a community for the rest of my life which I became a part of back in 2004. The Markos TO ME have been there since day one and indirectly so have you Josh Brown.
AbsolutelySears wrote:They can't anymore. #absolutepowerNicholson wrote:INB4 some butthurt nerd deletes this thread.
Sears wrote:They can't anymore. #absolutepowerNicholson wrote:INB4 some butthurt nerd deletes this thread.