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Re: good pubs? (NSFW)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:08 pm
by british
Yeh i don't even see it in the general forum either :/ oh well

Re: good pubs? (NSFW)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:21 pm
by AlopeX
chucky just posted a mean sounding message to all WaR members

Re: good pubs? (NSFW)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:46 pm
by stealthlol
british wrote:|3h|Mogers? <dipSET>" 592 STEAM_0:0:4492 7 36:44 36 0

Walling me over and over. I was hiding on purpose and not moving to see if he would try to shoot through the concrete wall at me and he did several times. I was hiding in multible places.

Funny all the familiar faces you see in there banned section ha
Chances are he was actually cheating.

Re: good pubs? (NSFW)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:24 pm
by CharlieGiteau
AlopeX wrote:chucky just posted a mean sounding message to all WaR members
He's one of the best admin they have. I've never seen him ban anyone nor complain about someone's skill level; he's pretty damn level headed. So happens he's busy with work and unable to help with the server issues other than posting on the forums. Like I said earlier, most of them there are honestly good people; just a small group that needs reeled in. Hopefully shit gets straight enough to where I'd like to go back and at least pub there.

Re: good pubs? (NSFW)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:33 pm
by yonderboy
Meant to post this earlier but their are still sites that track DoD servers, so just go to this link and sort by number of players. Easier to find a populated server that way even if they aren't the best run.

Re: good pubs? (NSFW)

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:13 am
by CharlieGiteau
british wrote:Yeh i don't even see it in the general forum either :/ oh well
Now I can't even see my original post; someone definitely yanked my forum permissions. Not sure who it was because there were tons of admin who could've done it, yet didn't during the day yesterday. I thought I posted it in a section where I could follow up, but yeah...

Looks like someone might hold a grudge of some sort. Oh well.

Re: good pubs? (NSFW)

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:47 pm
by Rob
wtf... I went on the WAR forum and found no mention of me as a problem player or hacker. I feel kind of neglected. Insulted, even.

Re: good pubs? (NSFW)

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:08 pm
by CharlieGiteau
Rob wrote:wtf... I went on the WAR forum and found no mention of me as a problem player or hacker. I feel kind of neglected. Insulted, even.
The last time I saw you in there was when it was on carta_v3. I was in spectate and vent while they were questioning you. You were even typing to them about how I 12 man with you and don't cheat. Vent surely was interesting, but I think they didn't post about you since I was telling them you were fine.

Re: good pubs? (NSFW)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:39 pm
by mogers
Did I get banned from the WaR server? I know they have kicked me on several occasions.. even when I wasn't quick switching.

Re: good pubs? (NSFW)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:29 pm
by CharlieGiteau
mogers wrote:Did I get banned from the WaR server? I know they have kicked me on several occasions.. even when I wasn't quick switching.
They're not supposed to ban unless a demo has been taken and it's reviewed by several admin. I think the post on you was just a heads up on who to watch for. Don't bother aliasing because they have a 20 page thread of nothing but steam IDs and names they have collected.