Katsato wrote:Evil is gonna get mad at you for showing everyone what her scores were. Prepare yourself.
whaaat. we couldn't have held heavy-side without her. she had my back the whole time, saved our ass and the flag many times. <3 evil
tenks wrote:
I also Tommy'd and Greese'd because it was a fun match. We had a fun time playing against p20, no egos or bitching or complaining. I see your bald ego is still a bit hurt though. You somehow find a way to bring me up in every post. Kinda creepy.
haha i dont remember the grease gun but i do recall holding back from telling ian nice shot on a few occasions...didnt want to boost that ego
TonyMontana wrote:I see Jason with the solid 19-17 performance on the bar vs p2o....
I'll be seeing you reaaaaaal soon RVW
I'll be seeing YOU reeea.... oh wait. you are horrible and forever lower. i will not be seeing you.
but keep bragging about your awesome lower team bro.
also, no homo, your attempts at burning jason about his physical appearnace are not really landing. all you are telling everyone is that jason is a lot better looking than you are, and has a full head of hair. jason wins.
Also, we are still waiting for your picture to be posted for comparison. make sure you wax that shiny scalp and stand in the sun for us so that we get the full effect
Red--- wrote:haha i dont remember the grease gun but i do recall holding back from telling ian nice shot on a few occasions...didnt want to boost that ego
well actually, I don't even think I ever shot a single bullet from the Greese. Every time I spawned with it there was a nice, big shiny mg-42 staring at me in the face. Any time you saw me get a kill with hopper's mg was when I was "greese gunning" haha.
On another note, I think I'm gonna bring back the lines in the eyebrow for Vegas. Shit is doooooooooope.
Red--- wrote:haha i dont remember the grease gun but i do recall holding back from telling ian nice shot on a few occasions...didnt want to boost that ego
How's the team search coming along?
Still struggling to find at least 5 other people willing to play with you I see. Good luck with that. I hear {H.A.T} is recruiting pub players