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Re: Most dominant clan ever.
Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 3:08 pm
by Schmiggs
Airnick15 wrote:Schmiggs wrote:Airnick15 wrote:I think I am the most decorated online player in this game, Vp won a lot of titles. So sit down.
I think you forget about |5.o|'s 3 year run at the top of OGL...
Silly Nick.
Were you in the match on merderet where LAN MAN nade bugged us? I was so pissed I did one bag, and got flipped on by a 50 yr old member because we would have won the match if I didn't retaliate. haha
Dude, that's awesome!
Re: Most dominant clan ever.
Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 6:51 pm
by scorch-
not to take anything away from what it means to win a tournament, but hb wasn't exactly dominant at the CPL you won... got knocked to the lower bracket early, squeaked out a bunch of wins against pugs and then got spry and ackpth to start whining and took 2 games off the best pug there to win the tourney.
six months later, hb wasn't even close to coL's level at CPL Summer 2005. hb also placed 5th, not 4th at that CPL. at that time, there was 3 tiers of teams.
The first tier was x6/coL. All of our matches, with the exception of the cal-i finals where coL was playing from a laggy lan center, were close. For the most part, our scrimmages and bootcamp games were close. I thought x6 was the better team but that in a long series we would only beat coL maybe 60-65% of the games. No other team was close. We lost scrims, and even matches during CAL, but I would guess that if we had played a long series with any other team, none would have won anything close to 35% of the games. We could play well against coL and they could still take games off us. No other team could do that.
The 2nd tier was u5/exigent/hb/tec/ele/ukz... these teams I knew that if we had an off game, and they played well, we could lose. I also knew that if we played an average game, we would beat them unless they played a career game. If we played well, and they played anything less than great, it probably wouldn't be close. u5 was the best of those teams. Not sure how the rest stacked up.
The 3rd tier was everyone else in cal-i, where we would have to play **** awful and they would have to play an amazing game for us to lose. Normally, we would just win by 200+ no matter what map.
I think x6 was better than any of the dominant teams to come before or after, but I have no idea whether we were more dominant than them. We didn't stick around very long (7months). We didn't win every cal-i title while we were a team. The only way you could consider us the MOST dominant is if we were way better than everyone else, but everyone was so good when we played that I don't think that could be true. We just happened to be the best when everyone tried hard and had figured the game out.
Re: Most dominant clan ever.
Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 7:03 pm
by Schmiggs
I was happy to be a 3rd tier team back then. We weren't nearly as talented but we had fun.
Re: Most dominant clan ever.
Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 7:08 pm
by scorch-
that's it schmiggs. the time has finally come. how dare you claim that THE ELUSIVE DUCK was the SECOND MOST CORRUPT CAL ADMIN OF ALL TIME. that is all.
Re: Most dominant clan ever.
Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 7:12 pm
by squatta_leader
I put all of the South Americans into one division, and then "accidentally" deleted said division in what TED dubbed "Operation Smelly Bananas".
Is that corrupt?
Re: Most dominant clan ever.
Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 7:21 pm
by Jb_
Well scorch your probably right, but lets not forget we had a diffrent roster at cpl 05. Also lets face facts, being under the col/x6 name you guys were forced to perform even if you didnt want to. Im not hating its all good, but everyone at that time knew hb was a team that put little effort and got alot of results. If anything you have to respect that. Hell we placed 5th as u put it, by smoking weed before every match and thats a fact. You can ask any of our members about that. Just ask ninjuh where he spent the night before we played col on rr at summer 05. LoL in that bathroom thats where!!! Is that a kte? Yeh it is and it was our fault for not putting the effort we needed to into winning. I guess winning the previous cpl made our heads a little bigger then they should have been. Im not taking anything away from col or x6 but I just dont see how you can leave hb out of the the top tier teams as u put it. With a little tryhard in our pants who knows what we could have done. After everything is said and done we didnt, and we got gayed out by the aussies and you guys won. Congrats not taking anything away from yall, I always had respect for you guys and the col guys(minus chaos). Hell I had been playing against yall for years. It doesnt really mattern now bc you and me are both shit compared to these kids who 12 man 24/7 LoL
Btw how you doing buddy? Come back and plays some dod its hella fun these days!
Oh btw we smashed u5 on lan that summer.
Re: Most dominant clan ever.
Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 7:24 pm
by Schmiggs
scorcheezey, my humor didn't come through in the thread.
The fact is that most would expect that he would have been the most corrupt admin of all, however, he was one of the least. It's just the irony of the whole thing that makes it funny.
Re: Most dominant clan ever.
Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 7:24 pm
by squatta_leader
12 man winnfield vent!
Re: Most dominant clan ever.
Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 7:26 pm
by Schmiggs
I'm spending time with the wife and daughter. Can't you tell???
Re: Most dominant clan ever.
Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:22 am
by seanality
don't worry about not getting acknowledgement from the other top teams. From the perspective of a player and a team that always strived to be at a top tier level I have to say you all (hb, col, x6) had your time. There were times I would scrim or play a match against anyone of the top tier teams and say to myself hell even we could beat them or wow that team is going to win it all. I don't want to say a team got lucky but maybe they did or maybe they just practiced a little harder for that match and it worked out in the long run. I think the big game changer all came down to intelligence and self-control. Teams like hb and risk had crazy amounts of skill where teams like col and x6 had grandpa like self-control and experience, they always did the right things at the right times.
Now that I am older and have more of understanding for the game I can see why certain players were needed for a team. Chaos and max were smart and could hold a route but would hardly win a one v one against the top players in the game where Kellen, dorito, and Marshall would frag like sobs. It's all relavent and maybe it's only the difference of a few small plays and a few more hours of practice. Who knows, who cares now. We all know who was the best team: n2p/Eximius. Kthx