FlatOut has had a negative stigma for being "cheaters." We were banned from IRC(for 3 months) back in the day by KO and some others who were cheating against us in a Harrington scrim and lost. I think they ended up getting cal banned for the scrim too. Back when we won cal-main we kicked Netrolyxen(sp?) off of our cal team mid season because Nugz and I had gone over TONS of his demos in scrims/leagues and believed beyond reasonable doubt that he was cheating. We've had to deal with hackers all the time, but we didn't stoop to that level(hacking back).
I played this game when I was 13 years old, I never cheated.
From what I've read, you're just trying to deflect the criticism towards your brother by saying things like
andrealistically Ryan has much more important things to be worried about
I have a great job, important things to worry about, I've got stuff "going on" and playing DOD doesn't hold me back. Check out Chris Kluwe, he's doing fine. The first thing you tried to do was spin this off to a "this is better for Ryan."I was simply stating the fact that it's better off for him to not even bother playing video games considering what he has going on.
Both have been very influential members of this community for what... a decade? Close to it. People respect your opinions regarding other players cheating, and for this to happen ... it's a giant let down. I realize this is "just a game." But we can all say the same thing, if it's "just a game." Why was he cheating?
Any reason doesn't justify what he did, he should have reported people hacking rather than cheating to get back at them.
Just voicing my opinion and disappointment in you guys. I don't think I've been too harsh at all. I've accused you of knowing your brother cheating, being an asshole to people outside your circle(see your Leroy post), and contributing to the terrible state of this game(although others have done far worse.)
I don't expect an apology, but I guess the effort you've put forth so far has been more than most. Hopefully people take to heart what you've said and quit cheating... doubt it tho. That's why I only play on Sundays.
Night. I've got the flu and I'm about to get shitty on some Nyquil. ;__;