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Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:39 pm
by avenger
Schmiggs wrote:I'm just posting here so I can be the new most terrible person posting in the thread...

good sir, please allow me to steal your thunder.

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:40 pm
by -_^KS^_-TimTebow
You guys!!! incredible...

''ÒH! he uses alot of `...`s he must be this hacker from a long time ago.....''
''yea! and he uses this CRAZY sophisticated hack, that shuts itself off when someone goes to spec.''
(then like nine people in a row just cussing at me)
''I remember, this one time, a long time ago, this guy was cheating in a server...I think this is him''
''I heard he got his hacks from Jesus''

lmao you guys are so pathetic i love it....
keep it up! I LOOVE it when people think I am so good it`s not physically possible....
best compliment i can ask for...
:D :D :D :D

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:43 pm
by seaNsk
The last person I remember posting videos of himself was Hitman.
Good luck going that route in this community.

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:46 pm
by scottglass
What it all comes down to really is, Football Manager 2012 Demo has more current active players than DoD.

Game, set, and match.

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:58 pm
by scottglass
-_^KS^_-TimTebow wrote:You guys!!! incredible...

lmao you guys are so pathetic i love it....

keep it up! I LOOVE it when people think I am so good it`s not physically possible....
best compliment i can ask for...
:D :D :D :D
Anyone else think this guy might be gay? Also, look at his steam handle "judy" whatever it was.

Who else says "You guys!!!!" or "i LOOVE it.." and the excess smiley faces.

**EDIT** Not to be a cyber bully, I have no issues or problems against gay people. If you've already come out then I apologize, not trying to hurt any feelings, I just think the evidence is strongly in favor of the aforementioned.

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:59 pm
by Yaso
scottglass wrote:
-_^KS^_-TimTebow wrote:You guys!!! incredible...

lmao you guys are so pathetic i love it....

keep it up! I LOOVE it when people think I am so good it`s not physically possible....
best compliment i can ask for...
:D :D :D :D
Anyone else think this guy might be gay? Also, look at his steam handle "judy" whatever it was.

Who else says "You guys!!!!" or "i LOOVE it.." and the excess smiley faces.

I'm concluding he's gay.

He's not gay, his mommy bought that account for him. Well, he might still be gay, but I think my scenario is pretty likely.

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:00 pm
by -_^KS^_-TimTebow
WOW Charlie Giteau you are a sick man...

You said ''I`d bet my childrens lives he was hacking''
And with the way you throw these accusations around, I wouldn`t be suprised if you were wrong....
Why would you even say something like that....
wether you`re right or wrong, isn`t even the point....

I was having fun in this thread until you said that....

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:03 pm
by Yaso
-_^KS^_-TimTebow wrote:WOW Charlie Giteau you are a sick man...

You said ''I`d bet my childrens lives he was hacking''
And with the way you throw these accusations around, I wouldn`t be suprised if you were wrong....
Why would you even say something like that....
wether you`re right or wrong, isn`t even the point....

I was having fun in this thread until you said that....

Keep digging homie. Oh and for the record that wasn't Charlie posting, it was squadleader you illiterate ****.

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:10 pm
by zinK^
Bunch of kids...

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:13 pm
by -_^KS^_-TimTebow
here`s a list of some fun accusations I`ve heard so far, none of them even true...keep it up
-I cheat in 12mans
-I us alot of ''...''`s so i am a cheater from the past
-2 players on our team NEW TO DOD.....must be fishy lmao...
- I am gay
-My steam name (an alias) is my mothers name
-I have a steam account from 2009 that i MUST have cheated with
-I am just a troll
-I am some dude named `Voldemort`....'quote ''clearly''
-I am quote ''One of the stamper twins''
and it`s all just nonsense bullshit talk from a bunch of freaks....
keep it up!!!!