bewton wrote:I don't know I feel like having 2 separate routes adds a little variety to our map choices. If you are dominating the heavy side sure you can't break middle but you can get to the first and do enough damage to allow your team to capture the bridge, as tox demonstrated several times this week. Chemille has two separate routes and it's a blast.
Just my personal opinion, maybe the majority of the community does want remakes of anzio, harrington and lennon
Although I do feel having variety in maps is great (I enjoy the contrast of donner, chemille, and anzio as opposed to harrington and lennon), I feel there are issues with this particular map that are fundamentally flawed for competitive play. I have voiced most of my concerns in my last post, but here are some things to note on your point:
-I really don't agree that you can do damage to allow your team to capture bridge by winning your route
as allies. You either peek uphill at a ramp that the other team's kars can see from their spawn ramp, or you peek a tiny doorway with an unfavorable angle. Axis side you have a little more to work with.
-As for chemille, all flags are single caps, which allows the pace to be picked up and flanks to be more possible/meaningful. Another important thing to note, that I haven't heard anyone else mention is that the spawns should be moved back. It seems that killing the bridge team then capping bridge immediately, you can still get naded by a guy respawning because of the small amount of time it takes to get back to the flag from their spawn.
-Think of maps that have been played for years at a competitive level and where the spawns are placed in regards to flags: chemille, anzio, donner, even custom maps including harrington and railroad. I've brought this issue up to a couple top level players that have been around for a while and most have agreed, while some disagreed. Either way I think it should be something to test if someone is willing to work on this map and try to make it more suitable for competitive play. As it is now, I really don't think it should be played in a match again.