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TPG Season 27 - Quarter Finals

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:51 pm
by Steve

g.skiLL vs. NFC
mona vegas vs. Dumbledores ARMY
koala vs. Rivalry Reborn
THUNDER vs. dgf

Jim's| vs. cBerry
|3h| vs. GLOCK -
MVPz vs. ~[=]

tA. vs. aimsports
-_^KS^_- vs. masacre
RcL vs. SaB`
{D.D} vs. [L.A.B]

-_^KW^_- vs. FurY
[475th] vs. [BAW]
bMMu vs. {HK}


Re: TPG Season 27 - Quarter Finals

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:59 pm
by squatta_leader
Nice bro, you're gonna reclaim #1 poster in no time.

Re: TPG Season 27 - Quarter Finals

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:04 am
by Steve
Oh hey, I just noticed those bracket threads. Good times.

Re: TPG Season 27 - Quarter Finals

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:46 am
by squatta_leader
Meh, should have weekly preds threads too.

Re: TPG Season 27 - Quarter Finals

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:07 am
by toxinatoR
g.skiLL > NFC - This match could be closer than people think. If NFC can get their starting six they could put up a fight but I expect gskill to come out with the W in the end. If sean 'rehpyc' kalas is able to miss his Sunday night glow stick, ecstasy, button downed shirt, chest hair showing rave, then NFC will be in luck. He is by far the worst player on gskill... 'online' and was even outsniped by his backup 'jigsaw' on this very map!

Players to watch : ryanemo & jfent

mona vegas > Dumbledores ARMY - DA has totally under achieved this season. Hopefully they can get the right 6 to show up for playoffs and try and convince k4b00m that the match is a scrim/12man that way he actually tries.. Could be close if aust is on his A game..

Players to watch: beast & mr that's just being dumb

koala > Rivalry Reborn - MOTW? I think not sir cass! I just find it hard to believe a 6-2 team vs a 1-7 team can be a MOTW. Although I will give your team fair credit that once playoffs come around you guys certainly turn it up a notch. Solitude is a tricky map and is considered an upset map by most, so its hard to tell if we can take last weeks match serious. I do hope you win though because I thoroughly despise both jarrod (he's just **** running version 2.0) and sir mac and cheese..

Players to watch: scriptrod/scrimfield <3 & rodz (he unretire?)

THUNDER vs. dgf - gl hf hopefully pat doesn't go 19-39 again.

Players to watch : jsimp (lol?) & watchyourback


Jim's| < cBerry - upset of the century. Mg42 axis sniper loft as cberry ensures their victory..

Players to watch: propro & anyone but jew-bo

|3h| > GLOCK - Expect ricky motorcoss schewyshaw to ace glock 3 times while never practicing with his team once.. He assured me this is going to happen.. After all, were talking about 'practice.'

Players to watch : notricky & notTILL

MVPz < ~[=] - scrimmed BLT and they murdered us..

Players to watch: beas & craigy

HD > MINO - no bausch + defiance prone in a bush = HD victory.

Players to watch : one of the hd prone guys & khoi

tA. > aimsports
-_^KS^_- > masacre
RcL < SaB`
{D.D} < [L.A.B]

-_^KW^_- < FurY - unlimited ammo and sprint ftw.
[475th] > [BAW]
bMMu > {HK}

Re: TPG Season 27 - Quarter Finals

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:40 pm
by defiance
g.skiLL > NFC - dying/reforming/picking up invite players midseason really has its perks huh taylor
mona vegas > Dumbledores ARMY - i dont get how a team with element and kab00m went 1-7 but whatever, try and pull off the upset.
koala < Rivalry Reborn - UPSET ALERT. BRACKET BUSTER. Flags > frags, etc.
THUNDER > dgf - the winner of this match will win invite

Jim's| < cBerry - the addition of scorch has really helped cBerry. I just feel like this is a map they can pull the upset off on.
|3h| < GLOCK - definitely the MOTW. Definitely a close match, less than a cap.
MVPz > ~[=] - hopefully we all realized that TRAIZE is clearly their best player, since they lost without him last time.
HD glhf MINO - i expect them to be pissed we disputed bausch last time. Whatever, lets have fun and have a good match. We won't scrim, hope you won't either!

tA. > aimsports - subject, mensen, illusion, corpsegrinder. Pretty good for an IM team.....
-_^KS^_- > masacre - blowout
RcL < SaB` - easily since RcL's 2 best players are suspended. Take a good rcon status.
{D.D} > [L.A.B] - shifty

-_^KW^_- < FurY - fury's been scrimming, i expect the upset.
[475th] > [BAW] - even if lowcarb doesnt show up, they should have it
bMMu > {HK} - goooo BAM

Re: TPG Season 27 - Quarter Finals

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:42 pm
by defiance
Side note, you can log in with facebook on the bracket site, and fill out the entire bracket for all 3 rounds for all 4 divisions. Sorta like MARCH MADDNESS but for DoD.

Re: TPG Season 27 - Quarter Finals

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:09 pm
by ComptonAssTony
March Madness 1911 style!

g.skiLL > NFC - ryanemo. ryan. emo. r. y. a. n. e. m. o. (come home ryan)
mona vegas < Dumbledores ARMY - COME ON DA FLY IN RUSTY FOR THIS MATCH OR DO SOMETHING. ps watched the death eaters vs DA tpg playoffs 7v7 match the other day. good stuff.
koala > Rivalry Reborn - unless kirk plays obviously
THUNDER >glhf< dgf - if we have a strat by sunday, I'll be impressed.

Jim's| > cBerry - word on the street is cody w plays matches? that's neat! cBerry has the tradition but Jim's has.....actually no idea who Jim's has. But they're #1 seed so someones doing it right (cheating).
|3h| > GLOCK - So many heroes on this 3h team
MVPz < ~[=] - probably motw in main, if not all first round. Beas may not be cpl2005 status but he's still got some left in the tank. just comes down to how much damage jackson can do with his patented train shenanigans.
HD < MINO - not sure about these two

Re: TPG Season 27 - Quarter Finals

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:17 pm
by acetamino

g.skiLL > NFC - easy
mona vegas < Dumbledores ARMY - maybe close?
koala > Rivalry Reborn - easy
THUNDER > dgf - pewpew goodluck!

Jim's| < cBerry - cberry knows how to capture flags
|3h| > GLOCK - main favorites?
MVPz / ~[=] - should be fun!
HD < MINO - demetrius and Mino and KHOIKHOILEMONBOI

Re: TPG Season 27 - Quarter Finals

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:21 pm
by toxinatoR
Ace is drunk.