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European DoD?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:48 am
by defiance
Someone school me on European DoD, i've never really paid attention to their stuff, since way back in the day.

Last night on 1080p's quest for practice we were asked to play by a euro team, all from Spain, i believe. Their pings were in the 150s so it seemed like it would be better than playing SA's. Once we started playing we realized they play completely different. None of them stopped moving forward ever, they just run around spraying their autos and flick shotting with rifles. Then they started making fun of us for playing so slow and camping and couldn't believe this is how north americans played and were bragging euros were way more skilled (while we were beating them.)

Has it always been like this? Why are they entirely too aggressive? How did Euro play style evolve so differently than ours.

Re: European DoD?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:18 am
by hildebrand
ive always heard it to be the other way around. NA dod - aggressive, EURO dod - slowplay

need to tell these Spaniards to come and play!

Re: European DoD?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:38 am
by cassinoroyale
I gathered up a USA/SA pug to play in a some euro cups and from that experience I can guarantee you that:

1) Since they barelly request evidence after matches (when they do its basically pov's no screenshots lol), it has been reported on their forum that there are many people blatantly cheating in scrims (pcw's); 2) Even with different rosters we pretty much rolled every best team of their actual scenario, so I don't think they're that better. We beat blank's team (kalle carlund) twice even with him cheating his balls off in both matches; 3) There are only 2 good and reliable teams currently playing in the euro scene, one is the german Renamed and the other are the frenchs of SSEM. They never **** around in matches and never start mm1 rages; 4) They have corrupted admins who ban people out of the blue or change rules to benefit their teams. The only reliable is Tykari but he is alone. I was talking with RWC/Narc some time ago about creating an "worldwide division" since the pings are similar (especially if played in a UK server) but they went so arrogant that I quickly changed my mind about it.

The thing about euros is that just because they once had the best competitive scene as far as skill and organization were concerned they still think they are ahead of the curve in DoD. Most of them don't accept the fact of losing to laggy americans, making some matches either really boring or a pain to play due to the most crazy wallshots ever seen. We still play against them only because we find their cups format (single elimination bracket) very entertaining to play (I think we should go back to this topic and do our version of it, right jarednatoR?). Overalll they're slowling dying and and in all seriousness I'd let them rot but I have to admit that spanking their teams is hell of fun.

To sum all up if you still have interest on playing against them, I suggest you going to: (dod section) (dod cups website, team registration, schedule, etc)

Re: European DoD?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:20 pm
by Theworst
**** turtz.

Re: European DoD?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:29 pm
by toxinatoR
The thing about euros is that just because they once had the best competitive scene as far as skill and organization were concerned they still think they are ahead of the curve in DoD.
Which euro team won cpl? And I still feel like I heard diddly squat when animal, steve, and zoanth did attend that one cpl...

I would like to setup our own tournaments on opposites sundays.. I need ricky to maybe give me access to the STA site to do so.

Re: European DoD?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:37 pm
by pande
Just an idea, we've switched #scrimdods over to Quakenet where the euros are. Maybe #scrimdod will work over there where you can share idlers. Over there you'd have NA source / NA 1.3 / euro source / euro 1.3 possibly sharing idlers. That is of course if europeans have a channel for 1.3. I couldn't find it though.

Re: European DoD?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:44 pm
by stealthlol
pande wrote:Just an idea, we've switched #scrimdods over to Quakenet where the euros are. Maybe #scrimdod will work over there where you can share idlers. Over there you'd have NA source / NA 1.3 / euro source / euro 1.3 possibly sharing idlers. That is of course if europeans have a channel for 1.3. I couldn't find it though.
I don't think it will matter if you try #scrimdod on Quakenet or Gamesurge. It'll have a flood of supporters for 2 days until everyone realizes that the only people idling are either at work, or school, or just afk. It's easy enough to find scrims and ringers and 12mans on steam friends / ventrilo that there really isn't a need for irc anymore. Plus, from what I've seen, most NA players get their pugging and scrimming in at night when it's like 5am for Euros. How many euros are actually up at that time? (besides maybe linus)

Re: European DoD?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:53 pm
by scorch-
defiance wrote:Has it always been like this? Why are they entirely too aggressive? How did Euro play style evolve so differently than ours.
I don't think good euro players +forward the entire time, but there are certainly bad NA players that do that.
defiance wrote:None of them stopped moving forward ever, they just run around spraying their autos and flick shotting with rifles. Then they started making fun of us for playing so slow and camping and couldn't believe this is how north americans played and were bragging euros were way more skilled (while we were beating them.)
This is pretty much the exact thing people said to us and coL while they were losing in 2005 (no skill/gay camping, etc). After awhile I think most people caught on to the fact that +forward the whole time doesn't work, and also that proning all over the place doesn't work and that the game actually requires you to know where you need to be and how important moving forward is in each situation.

Re: European DoD?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:54 pm
by cassinoroyale
toxinatoR wrote:
The thing about euros is that just because they once had the best competitive scene as far as skill and organization were concerned they still think they are ahead of the curve in DoD.
Which euro team won cpl? And I still feel like I heard diddly squat when animal, steve, and zoanth did attend that one cpl...

I would like to setup our own tournaments on opposites sundays.. I need ricky to maybe give me access to the STA site to do so.
I might be wrong but I read that by the time euros had ESL among other leagues they had a very competitive scene. Prior DoD in CPL's, europeans were very organized and people like Hn were considered the top players. And about the "dynamic trio" from what I know they came to play in a pug. They haven't come with a full roster, have them?

Re: European DoD?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:57 pm
by scorch-
toxinatoR wrote:
The thing about euros is that just because they once had the best competitive scene as far as skill and organization were concerned they still think they are ahead of the curve in DoD.
Which euro team won cpl? And I still feel like I heard diddly squat when animal, steve, and zoanth did attend that one cpl...

I would like to setup our own tournaments on opposites sundays.. I need ricky to maybe give me access to the STA site to do so.
I think steve was really good, but I never got to play against him at CPL and I was never very good at watching a sniper and assessing how good he was. It's just much easier to play against them and see what they can do. I watched them play for awhile and Animal was good as well, but I would never have picked him over the rifles on my team. No idea about zoanth.

One of the rats guys was very quick (slippers I think) but I can't remember if he was their actual sniper or sniped one map or something strange like that.