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dear james

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:00 am
by dane
comesurf.jpg (48.44 KiB) Viewed 2219 times

dear sir, we are going to experience a once in a 3-5 yr swell window in southern texas... South Padre will be breaking the best as it goes from deeper/to shallow quicker, however in corpus with 5ft/14sec delays we can expect 10-15ft faces breaking well past the pier at bob hall (1/4th of a mile out) and it's the swell that us texans have been waiting for... I'm offa work tuesday/wednesday and will be surfing my balls off, come down to Corpus or private msg me and we can plan a trip down to south padre island...

Re: dear james

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 5:20 am
by dane
texas sees a 4star rating on seriously once every 3yrs :( COME SURF, IT WILL BE GOOD.

we just ran state championships yesterday too, **** i love subjective grading so I go out 1 round before trophys but this is why I am on a longboard most the time :P

Re: dear james

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:48 pm
by james-
Dude, I just got on here to post a Dear Dane, when is the best time to surf this hurricane swell thread.

Glad you beat me to it. I only have the weekends off, and I have no boards out here. I'm thinking about taking a trip down to Corpus on late thursday night, and showing up friday morning.

Unfortunately I'm going to have to buy a board since my ex is holding my boards and wetsuits hostage in CA.

Gonna be soooooooooo worth it though. I haven't had a good session since a nice swell hit socal in january.

Re: dear james

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:54 pm
by james-
these were all of my reactions at once when I saw the news, and hoped on


brb dreaming of mavs tonight

Re: dear james

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:24 am
by dane
not sure if you made it to tye coast but it was quite nice... i left monday after class and called in sick to work tuesday and went to south padre... clean overhead surf to damn near dbl overhead tues night... i snapped my 9'0 robert august in the pocket ovr the sandbar but it was epic.. pm me ur cell # man. i check these boards once every two weeks