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Cool Story Bro

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:46 am
by kanguhhh
I posted a video of my brother singing in another thread and I've actually gotten some steam messages and 1911 messages asking me if he was really my little brother so instead of telling a couple of people who were interested one at a time...I thought I would type a giant wall of text on here for you all to read. So here it goes.

When I was born my parents were let's just say, the definition of poor. I can remember my grandparents buying us five pound bags of beans and rice to live off of and my mom digging through the couches for loose change to buy milk for us. Ten months after I was born my mother had twin boys. We could barely even survive when it was just me so they had to make the hard choice to give them up for adoption. Abortion was never an option for my parents to those of you who were wondering.

My parents interviewed a bunch of families. My Aunt actually found a couple that could give them the best opportunity to succeed at life and they adopted my brothers. Of course I was too young to remember most of this at the time. Years went by and I can remember standing in my parents closet and my older brother told me we had twin brothers and of course I thought he was full of shit and we never said anything else about it. About two years ago I was fishing with my dad on the boat and I looked at him and said I wanted the truth and asked if I had twin brothers and someone finally told me the truth. So, needless to say I obviously wanted to find them but wasn't sure if they had any idea they were adopted or if it would interrupt their way of life and change it for the worse.

Finding them was actually pretty easy. My Aunt who found the family for them knew the parents still, the twins names and where they lived basically. She came down to Florida, where my parents now live, and had pictures and everything but my parents couldn't look at them because it was too hard on them and my mother felt ashamed, though I still to this day can't figure out why. I said **** that I want to know everything. So I got their names and found them through Facebook. I sent a message to their adoptive mother asking if it was alright to contact them as I didn't know if they knew. Luckily she said absolutely and they have been waiting a long time. I started talking to Chase (the one in the videos) and Tyler and it was like we had known each other our entire life. I organized them to come down to visit and broke the news to everyone about what I had been up to. The first meeting was pretty emotional as you can imagine but the rest is history. I've never seen my parents happier. They both graduated from the University of Alabama last year and are both now about to graduate from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina and become preachers. They both sing but Chase pursued it a lot more than Tyler. He also plays they keyboard, saxophone and a little guitar and drums...and does a little singing also.

I'm sure I left some details out but I don't' feel like going through and looking and I need more coffee. Hope you like the videos. Enjoy and Flame On!





Re: Cool Story Bro

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:17 am
by cassinoroyale

Re: Cool Story Bro

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:39 pm
by unpro
They both graduated from the University of Alabama last year and are both now about to graduate from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina and become preachers.

im sorry

Re: Cool Story Bro

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:11 pm
by toxinatoR

Re: Cool Story Bro

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:31 pm
by tenks
really cool story kanguh, really cool.

My father was adopted and years back, I helped him find his real parents.

That's when we found out his real name is Bruce Wayne (not kidding) and whenever he used to gdrink he'd be like "IM BATMAN!". It was **** hilarious.

But ya, cool story fo'reals

Re: Cool Story Bro

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:01 pm
by t`RavE

Re: Cool Story Bro

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:18 pm
by sevEN
third video is epic. this guy is very talented

Re: Cool Story Bro

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:22 pm
by mogers
You should buy your bro a non-shitty webcam, bro. Videos are good though. Tell him to audition for one of those shows like Americas Got Talent or something.

Re: Cool Story Bro

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:47 am
by kanguhhh
tenks wrote:really cool story kanguh, really cool.

My father was adopted and years back, I helped him find his real parents.

That's when we found out his real name is Bruce Wayne (not kidding) and whenever he used to gdrink he'd be like "IM BATMAN!". It was **** hilarious.

But ya, cool story fo'reals
That's awesome! hahaha batman! Yeah it feels amazing finding long lost family. Greatest feeling ever!
sevEN wrote:third video is epic. this guy is very talented
He is really proud of that Alicia Keys cover. I let him listen to Maroon 5 do a cover of that song and it made him want to do it! Glad you liked it!
mogers wrote:You should buy your bro a non-shitty webcam, bro. Videos are good though. Tell him to audition for one of those shows like Americas Got Talent or something.
Hahaha I'll buy him one for Christmas! I think we have all convinced him to do it pretty much. He's just trying to figure out which show and when he wants to do it

Re: Cool Story Bro

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:30 am
by DinG
Awesome story man and it seems like everything has worked out pretty well for you guys. Thought the videos were good as well.