I may be reading this wrong

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I may be reading this wrong

Post by akiro »

Like i said i may be reading this wrong:
§3.2 Rosters

Rosters will lock 24 hours prior to the scheduled match day and time. Players may not join a roster while rosters are locked, but leaving rosters is permitted.

Teams will be allowed a 1 time addition up through week 6 where you can add 1 player to your roster. Once week 6 default day passes, no players will be allowed to join a roster.

Team rosters will be locked for the duration of the season prior to the completion of week four. This will prevent players on losing teams from jumping to teams that are sure to make the playoffs.

Does this mean that after week 4 you can only add one more player, but only until week 6 and then noone? Or does it mean that you can only add 1 player period, over the course of the season? Because if it's the latter, I get that you don't want what happened with 92dt, or other teams where when it became clear the playoffs weren't happening the good players jumped ship. However, what happens to teams that lose people due to inactivity either from school/work or an unexpected real life event who now are short handed even with one addition? Does that mean the team is now dead and will have to wait til the next season to play again and hope to recruit people that hopefully make it an entire season? Seems like the goal is to reduce teams dying because the chance of you getting on another team is slim, however i see it to be extreme and might cause just as many team deaths regardless.

Again, like i said i could be reading it wrong, and maybe noone else has the problems i've encountered over the last 2-3 season with people like wintehs\alex\ding\moriar and a few others being unable to play for various reasons and then having to make alot of roster changes in order to attempt to finish the season. I mean, I think its quite clear who the people in the community are that team jump for playoffs. since everyone knows EVERYONE for the most part.

anyways, maybe i'm just being a whiny bitch, but i just wanted clarification so i can see what i should be looking for roster wise this season.
Tin Bad
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Re: I may be reading this wrong

Post by Tin Bad »

Since we are moving the roster lock date to be earlier in the season, we felt that we should allow 1 player to join a team after the rosters permanently lock but before week 6. So teams will have an additional 2 week period to pick up 1 player since we are locking the rosters 2 weeks sooner than usual.

This will help us with placements and also help control when upper level players join a lower team giving them an unfair advantage near the end of the season.

I will clarify it more on the rules page as well.
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Re: I may be reading this wrong

Post by Miller` »

akiro wrote:Like i said i may be reading this wrong:
§3.2 Rosters

Rosters will lock 24 hours prior to the scheduled match day and time. Players may not join a roster while rosters are locked, but leaving rosters is permitted.

Teams will be allowed a 1 time addition up through week 6 where you can add 1 player to your roster. Once week 6 default day passes, no players will be allowed to join a roster.

Team rosters will be locked for the duration of the season prior to the completion of week four. This will prevent players on losing teams from jumping to teams that are sure to make the playoffs.

Does this mean that after week 4 you can only add one more player, but only until week 6 and then noone? Or does it mean that you can only add 1 player period, over the course of the season? Because if it's the latter, I get that you don't want what happened with 92dt, or other teams where when it became clear the playoffs weren't happening the good players jumped ship. However, what happens to teams that lose people due to inactivity either from school/work or an unexpected real life event who now are short handed even with one addition? Does that mean the team is now dead and will have to wait til the next season to play again and hope to recruit people that hopefully make it an entire season? Seems like the goal is to reduce teams dying because the chance of you getting on another team is slim, however i see it to be extreme and might cause just as many team deaths regardless.

Again, like i said i could be reading it wrong, and maybe noone else has the problems i've encountered over the last 2-3 season with people like wintehs\alex\ding\moriar and a few others being unable to play for various reasons and then having to make alot of roster changes in order to attempt to finish the season. I mean, I think its quite clear who the people in the community are that team jump for playoffs. since everyone knows EVERYONE for the most part.

anyways, maybe i'm just being a whiny bitch, but i just wanted clarification so i can see what i should be looking for roster wise this season.

Rosters are open to changes through week four prior to default match day. Then there is a one-time roster addition available for week 5 and 6 and no changes for weeks 7, 8, and playoffs. This is to keep players from roster jumping prior to playoffs.

Also, remember that ringers are allowed in TPG.
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Re: I may be reading this wrong

Post by SKiNnTo »

Awesome! I like it.
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Re: I may be reading this wrong

Post by akiro »

Ok cool, thanks for the clarification. Like I said, i was pretty sure i was reading it wrong, but I wanted to be sure. Sounds like a good system.
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Re: I may be reading this wrong

Post by Jakimo »

i understand the 9 cap on rosters. one has to try and force more teams if possible. i just smell a lot more ffs coming ...we have 10 players on our roster and we have used all 10, almost needing ringers here and there. tpg does allow ringers but 50 % of the teams dont...

im not petitioning the rules, just a little vexed towards so many changes.

also did i understand this right? if one was banned last season, they can play this coming season?
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Re: I may be reading this wrong

Post by nico »

That thing of the 9-player per team is irremovable? I think Jakimo is right, majority of the teams won't be able to get 6 every sunday (think in the open teams that have looots of players per roster and they need most of them to get 6)

Apart from that, i think that the usage of Cleandod in TPG will be excellent. It will reduce the number or cheaters and will stop every player to be suspicious about everyone on the league. That anticheat was used back in the 2009 (actually, kind of earlier) in Brazilian Source leagues and it worked really nice, although some players used to have troubles with it (it had lots of problems with W7, but i guess it should work fine now). +1!
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Re: I may be reading this wrong

Post by nomis »

Shouldn't be only 9 players, 12 sounds a bit better, shouldn't be needing more than that
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Re: I may be reading this wrong

Post by dogfire »

nomis wrote:Shouldn't be only 9 players, 12 sounds a bit better, shouldn't be needing more than that
Totally agree. Other rule additions/changes look promising though. Keep up the good work.
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Re: I may be reading this wrong

Post by nunz »

I don't think this can apply to my team. We had 12 people last season and still required ringers. We have some players who are only able to play 1 week but that's what they are able to do and I don't think that's fair to the occasional players of the community. Maybe invite times have to be reduced?
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