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warrant out for AP

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 7:33 pm
by tenks
First Bron leaves Miami for the Cavs now Ap getting arrested for beating his kids with tree branches. Joey's sports life turned upside down. :cry:

Re: warrant out for AP

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:59 pm
by sevEN
i am not a heat fan so i can care less that he left for cleveland. i actually love it and i look forward to seeing how well the heat do with deng bosh and wade leading the offense, and how well the cavs do with their new team that is looking stacked as **** in a weak eastern conference. lebron leaving miami has actually made things more interesting and entertaining for me come basketball season. but it is flattering to know that you are still grasping at straws to find a reason to troll me

as far as AP, i feel he has done nothing wrong. this happened half a year ago and the courts originally thew it out right away, as they should have. then, because of the whole ray rice situation and the sensitivity to domestic violence at the moment, this bitch of a baby's mama decided to re-file this case 2 days ago and now it is blowing up. now the NFL will probably over punish AP and make an example out of him to show that they are cracking down.

the pictures of the bruses look normal as **** and i know my old man did much worse to me when i disobeyed him growing up. if any of you can look at those pics and think he was doing anything more than disciplining his kid that was disobeying him, then you are softer than kleenex.

now if you want to bag on someone's team, why not look at your own 49rs who are letting ray mcdonlad, a PREGNANT woman beater, play this week and stating "due process" as the reason for not deactivating him right now. or how about your play by play announcer ted robinson who seems to think it is janay rice's fault that ray rice gave her the left hook and was dumb enough to voice those opinions on radio waves.

Maybe you guys can take AP off our hands to replace that old washed up frank gore in the backfield since Harbaugh seems totally fine with starting players who beat their pregnant fiances. he should be ok with a guy who spanks his kid for acting out, right??


Re: warrant out for AP

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:12 am
by james-

Looked more like scabs all over his legs to me. Don't really care though, this all just insures that he will end up a Cowboy.

Re: warrant out for AP

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:22 am
by knGnGz
I don't get how you can say that the pictures look normal, that's not normal. Just because daddy did that to you doesn't mean it's normal. Discipline and abuse are totally different, this is abuse 100%. IF the courts threw it out a year ago, they were wrong and it should have never been thrown out. We get it, you love AP Joey. This is a grown ass man hitting a 4 year old with a branch, the proof is in the pictures, this isn't "discipline" it is abuse.

Re: warrant out for AP

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:54 pm
by sevEN
agree to disagree.

Re: warrant out for AP

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 4:37 am
by squatta_leader
It can be very useful to have thick skin, but objectively, this type of behavior is indeed abusive. It is good to instill discipline in your kids, to educate and socialize them properly. Many different parents from different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds will disagree on what methods are considered abusive and which are not, but this most often correlates with how they were nurtured themselves, as abusive behaviors are like curses, they are very easily passed down generation to generation.

If your father punished you in the same way as AP did his son or worse, then objectively, you were subjected to abusive behavior. This doesn't mean your father is a bad person, or even that the abuse was harmful to you, as it sounds like you weren't a very sensitive child and this behavior didn't have a great impact on you. But, it is incorrect to be judgemental enough to assume that a child who might be affected deeply by such behavior to be "soft". With such a mindset, it is likely that this behavior has had more of an impact on you than you might realize.

I've worked with Big Brothers Big Sisters for many years, and I can tell you I've come across some really **** up kids that were suffering greatly from such abusive behaviors in their past. I would never describe any of them as "soft", quite the opposite.

Human beings are incredibly varied creatures. As AP has stated, he himself received this kind of abusive punishment from his father, and it did nothing but thicken his skin and help him to achieve his aspirations. And so he was conditioned to do onto his own what was done on to him, and to accept this as "normal" behavior.

But, APs son doesn't have a voice here. He's not represented, and he's only half AP. What if he is much more sensitive than AP was? what if his autobiographical memory is more advanced than APs was when he was subjected to such behavior?? What if his son will remember this behavior for the rest of his life as being traumatic and horrifying and not something that helped him to become tougher and more successful?

As a society and as a culture we must step in to protect APs son from what AP himself is not aware of. AP isn't a bad guy, and from what I understand he's been fully cooperative and honest about what happened. He shouldn't have to go to jail and we shouldn't demonize him, but we should take great care to educate him, and in the process, the rest of us, that this type of behavior is mindless and potentially damaging to any child.

Re: warrant out for AP

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 4:31 pm
by tenks
Tony Montanana II stikes again, didn't read lol. Probably something about how my favorite team looks ugly or something and nothing about their actual play. Meanwhile his favorite team continues to get raped. Reaching as usual.

The best part is when Tony II is wrong all he can say is agree to disagree (cause he's got nothing) but when he thinks he's right he writes a **** manuscript.
Guarantee he will reply trying really hard to divert the attention away from his shitty team and his favorite child abusing sports Idol with some lame gifs that only he will laugh at.

28 all day bro!

Re: warrant out for AP

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:34 am
by knockout
only this community can turn this story into a personal attack towards another dod player

Re: warrant out for AP

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:23 pm
by Theworst
How ignorant can you be? ... -mcdonald/

Your beloved team has a player that hits women? On top of it, pregnant women but you'll sit here and bash on Joey because of what AP did?

You have some major issues.

Re: warrant out for AP

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:19 pm
by sevEN
no jason. i agree to disagree when there are simply 2 differences in opinion regarding something that is subjective. people believe what they believe and there comes a point in a conversation where you understand that what you say is not going to change their opinion. unlike you, i value my time and have important things to do, so i cannot spend time fighting pointless battles on 1911 like we all used to.

I also realize that you, your opinions, your attempts to come out of the woodwork to insult me and your existence in general are just not worth my time and energy. dont get me wrong... i have realized this a while back and have ignored your texts asking to be friends and your spiteful 1911 comments seeking my response... but i thought i'd make it formal while we're on the subject.

anyways, i dont hate or dislike you. i just do not want anything to do with you. you can take this like a troll would, and use it to try even harder to goad me into responses, or you can take it like a man and just move on with whatever you have going on in your life right now and spend your time doing more productive things.

i wish you luck in getting your life together as i know things have been difficult for you lately.