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Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:32 am
by hildebrand
This game ain't dying. People are around.
Also, my ban is up. Prepare your angus nerds that have a problem with good players online.
#DoDhype2014 #letsgetshitstarted #whosrunningthisplaceanyways #sundayfunday #itsgonnabecoldincanadasoon #cantjustwatchhockey
Re: #DoDhype2014
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:52 am
by TonyMontana
1911 donor
banned for cheating
Don't forget, there is a client now. Might wanna sign up for a lower team.
Re: #DoDhype2014
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:34 am
by chaos
you know tony...not hating on you but when client came vanished i was told sooo why the hate on a long time player ?
Re: #DoDhype2014
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:36 pm
by ward
chaos wrote:you know tony...not hating on you but when client came vanished i was told sooo why the hate on a long time player ?
Not defending Tony here, but it might have something to do with the fact that OP was banned for cheating.
Re: #DoDhype2014
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:00 pm
by TonyMontana
Oh no my friend hate away!
I didn't "vanish"....lmao I was suspended for the playoffs and the final for having something in my config that shouldn't be there.
Now, I thought it was pretty lame, considering I didn't even know it was illegal, apparently it made me "Unhittable" which I find funny because the match in question i died 100 times so....It was a lame way to end the season, it hurt my team pretty bad, but all things considered, the league had to do what they had to do, and I respect their decision. I got Aftershock to a final, he even got to play in it, that was my goal all season long, one that everyone said I wouldn't be able to do, so..... Coulda been worse I guess.
But at least I'm a man and will tell you the truth.
Hilde is one of those dime-a-dozen cheaters that cheats, and waves his innocence flag around like he thinks someone is actually stupid enough to fall for it. Probably to this day he will still deny it, and be a lying, cheating, spineless, coward, that can't even admit to his own shameful actions. And I find that infinitely amusing.
Re: #DoDhype2014
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:19 pm
by ao_
I blame Sears. Gotta blame somebody... It might as well be the individual who did the most to keep the community together.
Re: #DoDhype2014
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:40 pm
by chaos
you know come to think of it the aimzing aimtek was finally unbanned..client was there..i dont think thay played one match and he vanished..and that was in open..lets see a show of hands of who called that happening
Re: #DoDhype2014
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:09 pm
by Quikey
chaos wrote:you know come to think of it the aimzing aimtek was finally unbanned..client was there..i dont think thay played one match and he vanished..and that was in open..lets see a show of hands of who called that happening
In the spirit of being factual, he did play at least 1. Against us. We disputed him. Literally, just because it was him.
Re: #DoDhype2014
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:35 pm
by chaos
soo how did aimtek do on client..he did onley play one match..even though he cryed ill prove im godlike on client ?
Re: #DoDhype2014
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:32 am
by hildebrand
TonyMontana wrote:Hilde is one of those dime-a-dozen cheaters that cheats, and waves his innocence flag around like he thinks someone is actually stupid enough to fall for it. Probably to this day he will still deny it, and be a lying, cheating, spineless, coward, that can't even admit to his own shameful actions. And I find that infinitely amusing.
Tony, when you find proof of me cheating, please bring it to the attention of the community. Until then, I've served my year long ban. At least I'm not some delusional, two-faced, lying, crying, spying, prying ultra-pig.