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I just found...

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:19 pm
by mg_
Probably one of the greatest threads started on any forum, ever. :)

Former Squadron Commander, 4 Star General of the Gotfrag Battalion, Buddylee found a Subway sandwich in his work place's restroom.

This one is harder for the copy and paste, but I'm going through trying to find the best nuggets from the thread. I will be sad when this thread finally disappears from the internet ~ :P
Buddy_Lee +92 Frags

A footlong subway turkey sub in a stall in one of the bathrooms here at work. Should I:

1. Eat it?
2. Turn into lost and found?
3. Put it back in the stall (but someone else might eat it!)?
4. Give it to a homeless guy?
Dr. Gingrich +15 Frags

It all depends...

1. Does it smell okay?
2. Does it look okay?
3. Is it free of sem[e]n?
4. Are you hungry?

If the answer to any two of these four questions is "Yes", then you'd better eat it.
Buddy_Lee +18 Frags

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Not sure, there's a lot of "mayo".
4. Yes.

Is it worth the risk?
pinecone +8 Frags

found in the bathroom stall at work, sounds delightful. I'd eat it
notflax~man +8 Frags

what type of facility do you work in?
and stall is not enough information.
1. was it wraped in the default "subway" wraping
2. was there any visible tampering with said official wraping (i.e. tears, appearance of opening and rewraping, etc)
3. was it on the floor infront of the pot, on the seat, was the seat down, ontop of the water holding thing?

Re: I just found...

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:27 pm
by james-
the response about trying to rewrap a subway sub is one of my favorite comments.

great thread.

Re: I just found...

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:56 am
by SKiNnTo
Ole Buddy Lee,

My former fearless leader of *s/A* Shockingly Awful. Those was some great DoD days! Still got him on my steam friends. He enjoys? DoD:S from time to time. He really loves playing music, post about it on FB all the time. Someone else try to get him back around here!

This is a great thread +1

Re: I just found...

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:37 pm
by cassinoroyale
Mitch expect us to read his threads while all of us can see is his bouncy-jiggling tits avatar 8-)

Re: I just found...

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:14 pm
by emcsk
honestly, If I found a sandwhich in a bathroom I'd be on 1911 immediately

Re: I just found...

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:47 pm
by buddy lee
Wtf happened to gotfrag?

Re: I just found...

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:04 am
by scorch-
buddy lee wrote:Wtf happened to gotfrag?
Saudi Arabia bought it or something

Re: I just found...

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:12 pm
by crawtona
Oh man, it's been awhile... When I got the 404 from the link to the original thread, I cried a little. It's like a little, epicly hilarious piece of history just died. gg #awfulworks.

Re: I just found...

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:33 pm
by squatta_leader
scorch- wrote:
buddy lee wrote:Wtf happened to gotfrag?
Saudi Arabia bought it or something
That was CPL/CAL, which was bought by a fake company under the guise of one of the CPL admins who was staging a coup. After a bunch of lawsuits it was eventually sold to a company in Dubai and for awhile Oplaid used it as a link dumping blog for some reason. Then in 2010 it was bought by a company called Wolong Ventures out of Singapore. They've been hosting events in Asia under the CPL brand, which is kinda funny to look at.

Gotfrag was acquired by MLG in 2007, long before the site was deserted. But it was never supported and left to rot and die, even though Sundance occasionally talks about reviving it via twitter. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if MLG does move to redevelop gotfrag, just because the brand is so well known, but I'd only invest heavily in it if FPS gaming makes some kind of comeback (crosses fingers for cs:go), as LoL and Starcraft2 are dominating the market.





Re: I just found...

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:52 pm
by AlopeX
I remember this thread.

Side note Here is the blog from a former CPL employee talking about the fraud of CPL.

The founders of Gotfrag now run sites ELOBUFF and DOTABUFF which provide individual stats for League of Legend and Dota 2 pub games respectively. (Look at Tin Bad owning face in a Dota game 2 weeks ago. 1-10 is too strong)