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Recording HLTV demos

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:22 pm
by rwc8thc
For those who have asked..

Add this to your userconfig.cfg file. If you don't have a userconfig.cfg then create one:

Code: Select all

alias hltvrcon "rcon_address YOUR-HLTV-SERVER-IP; rcon_port YOUR-HLTV-SERVER-PORT; rcon_password YOUR-RCON-PW"
alias hltvrec "hltvrcon; wait; rcon record hltv; wait; remotercon1"
alias hltvstop "hltvrcon; wait; rcon stoprecording; wait; remotercon1; echo Recording stopped"
alias remotercon1 "rcon_address YOUR-GAME-SERVER-IP; rcon_port YOUR-GAME-SERVER-PORT; rcon_password YOUR-RCON-PW"
alias remotercon "rcon_address YOUR-GAME-SERVER-IP; rcon_port YOUR-GAME-SERVER-PORT; rcon_password YOUR-RCON-PW; echo Logged into rcon"
Then bind these commands to your config.cfg:

Code: Select all

bind X hltvrec
bind Y hltvstop
bind Z remotercon
Everything CAPITALIZED needs to be replaced with your own info.

hltvrec will record HLTV demos to your FTP.
hltvstop stops them.
remotercon allows you to run rcon commands to your server remotely from Steam console, no matter what game or where you're at.

Re: Recording HLTV demos

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:30 am
by k4b00m
Thanks, I got lazy and didnt get around to posting that haha.


Re: Recording HLTV demos

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:45 pm
by cassinoroyale
my binds (userconfig.cfg) works but I cant find the demos anywhere (I tried both server and hltv dod folder on the ftp but other than game files there are no demos at all :()

Re: Recording HLTV demos

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:41 am
by Teapot_Dome
cassinoroyale wrote:my binds (userconfig.cfg) works but I cant find the demos anywhere (I tried both server and hltv dod folder on the ftp but other than game files there are no demos at all :()
they are stored in the ./dod/ directory on your actual hltv proxy box.

./dod/hltv-1109261117-dod_saints_b1.dem is an example of a file name

Re: Recording HLTV demos

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 10:39 pm
by cassinoroyale
problem fixed! kudos to randy chavez!

Re: Recording HLTV demos

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 9:45 pm
by raz0r
cassinoroyale wrote:problem fixed! kudos to randy chavez!

Howd you fix it? Everything appears to be working, but i cant find the files in the dod directory

EDIT* Got it, Im retarded.