Season 31 Playoff Preview - Intermediate
Season 31 Playoff Preview - Intermediate
Veni Vidi Vici - vVv
John : Now that the season is soon over, what are your overall opinions on how your team preformed so far?
DanJhonson : Overall I would say my team as preformed excellently. We work well together as a team, no one rages (too much ), and we all generally have a blast together in and out of game.
John : What's your starting lineup?
DanJhonson : Our starting lineup is as follows:
Andrew Aka Jiminy and Crank on the first rifles.
Snoops and DmW on the heavys.
Jakimo on the sniper.
And DanJhonson (Me) on the third rifle.
John : What was your most difficult match of this season?
DanJhonson : Probably our match against Kliq, those guys are serious about some **** dod.
John : What team(s) surprised you this season?
DanJhonson : Honestly I wasn't expecting i[3] to put up quite as tough of a fight as they did, that match really could have gone either way.
John : How do you see your chances in the playoffs?
DanJhonson : I think it will be tough, there is a lot of good teams in IM this season, and a few dirty sandbaggers in said teams *cough**coughavengercough**cough* . I mostly am looking forward to playing i[3] again, was loads of fun the first time, shouldn't disappoint the second time around.
John : Any comments or shout-outs?
DanJhonson : Shout-outs to:
CraftyDus for hosting an awesome server for scrims/12 mans, and always remembering to get rcon ss's when I forget, introducing me to the competitive dod scene last year, and being a generally cool dude.
All of gskill for always being down to scrim when I am looking, you basement dwelling nerds you <3.
Alex Kirk and all the XM MvM crew for introducing me to the Mann vs. Machine mode in TF2, we'll beat Bigrock on advanced some day, I have faith (probably never beat it on expert though)!
Mike of .iwa for being a loveable tramp.
The Sopranos night cup team for carrying me in the night cup all the way to victory!
Diso aka. Chaos for being a crazy vent lurker.
And last but not least I would like to thank nicholson, db, rws, sizurp, everyone on oXeye (even the ones that haven't been banned... yet), wicked, and several others for helping launch CraftyDus's illustrious career as an AC admin.
KliQ - -=KliQ=-
John : Now that the season is soon over, what are your overall opinions on how your team preformed so far?
Crono : We did okay. We should of done better but my team just baits each other 24/7.
What's your starting lineup?
Crono/shots: heavy
zeon/pcoon: rifle
Ralph dping: stoss/carbine
widow: Sniper
John : What was your most difficult match of this season?
Crono : Um prob the NB match since we basicly played with 5 due to a certain player being useless with a rifle. He is no longer playing with us [=
John : What team(s) surprised you this season?
Crono : No one really. I would say my own team surprised me the most. Kids bait too much aka ralph.
John : How do you see your chances in the playoffs?
CronoWe expect to win. If we dont i blame ralph. sadly he prob wont be reading this.
John : Any comments or shout-outs?
Crono : Sears for sending me a friends request. Todo for being a mean. Ralph for dating a chick named lauren. Kalas cause i miss him. And ummm will smith for being a cool/nice black man.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - =TMNT=
John : Now that the season is soon over, what are your overall opinions on how your team preformed so far?
Tin Bad : We definitely did better than we did last of couple seasons. Not sure if it’s because Krud doesn’t TK us AS much since he doesn’t show up or if it’s cause we are in IM.
John : What's your starting lineup?
Tin Bad : Whoever shows up! I think our actual starting lineup showed up maybe twice this entire season.
Donatello-Krud-Heavy -Tk king with nades..
Odin-Heavy-gay corner proner
Splinter-Tin Bad-rifle
Henry-rifle/heavy/Odin’s play toy/Yaso’s brother
Raphael-Rifle-got deployed :/ But he’s back now!
John : What was your most difficult match of this season?
Tin Bad : All of them. We had to work around our own TK’s for each!
John : What team(s) surprised you this season?
Tin Bad : Illuminati almost had their perfect season…but lost to nogo..
KliQ is still undefeated this season >_>
I thought 92DT would do well and hold their own in invite this season.
John : How do you see your chances in the playoffs?
Tin Bad : We are gonna bring it home.. Everyone else’s cheats stopped working after the update.. but ours still work fine..Krud uses his aimbot to tk us so we don’t stomp on the other teams.
John : Any comments or shout-outs?
-Our ringers - Sean(Sean’s beard), SKN, Bullet Slinger, Yaso, anyone else who did that I’m forgetting, THX!.
-And everyone that let us use ringers..THX!
- yohnny for doing the playoff previews, THX!
The Heartbreakers - </3
John : Now that the season is soon over, what are your overall opinions on how your team preformed so far?
Sp|dEr : While the season was fun and enjoyable, it was somewhat lackluster for us since we could not get our starters to very many matches. Overall though I think everyone on the team had a good time and we will look forward to next season
John : What's your starting lineup?
Sp|dEr : Our preferred starting line up would be - Myself, Nunz, Mike?, Jlin, ao, and GRIMM... Unfortunately in the regular season it proved difficulty to have everyones schedules line up, but hey thats life and we have had great backups in Softersin, AlopeX, and stamp who at least shows up.
John : What was your most difficult match of this season?
Sp|dEr : Honestly I don't think we have had any "difficult" matches.... We have held our own in each match with the players we have had. If I had to pick though I would say the frenches just because it was on emmanuel lol
John : What team(s) surprised you this season?
Sp|dEr : vVv imo surprised a lot of people. What they lack in raw skill they really make up for in teamwork, and ultimately that is the deciding factor in winning matches.
John : How do you see your chances in the playoffs?
Sp|dEr : It really depends on who shows up to play in the matches and whether or not they show up to play.
John : Any comments or shout-outs?
Sp|dEr : Shout-outs to all 38th out there... Milo of course, Quarter, Hudson, and the rest of those nerds I know out there.glhfmb...
Intense Intents In Tents - i[3] *
John : Now that the season is soon over, what are your overall opinions on how your team performed so far?
hypnotik : I think we could have done better if we had a 2nd actual heavy and not somebody filling in everyweek, and I didn't land as many 1 bars as I would have liked to. (p.s. I fixed your spelling mistake)
John : What's your starting lineup?
hypnotik :
carpendork, ****, hyphyphonontikitik, strideher, tranny trance, and whoever shows up for last spot
John : What was your most difficult match of this season?
hypnotik : From what I've heard the dod_harrington match I missed against vVv
John : What team(s) surprised you this season?
nypnotik : honestly my team surprised me by sticking together even though we lost 2 **** to cheating.
John : How do you see your chances in the playoffs?
hypnotik : pffffffffffft.. Could go either way we can either pretend we enjoy the game still and play to win or just goof around and go for movie shots for shits and giggles(not that I don't do that already)
John : Any comments or shout-outs?
hypnotik : Carpenter for enjoying and getting to hear his reactions to my 1bars all the time
Nasty Boys - NB *
John : Now that the season is soon over, what are your overall opinions on how your team preformed so far?
avenger : about as well as we expected, we rarely if ever scrim.
John : What's your starting lineup?
avenger : yaso,me, knuckles,kalvas,travis and unreal
John : What was your most difficult match of this season?
avenger : um, for me personally halle. i hate heavying that map. as a team probably our first match vs frzzz it was such a close game all the way through. lost by 12 points i think, but it was a lot of fun.
John : What team(s) surprised you this season?
avenger : none. dreams have been dashed.
John : How do you see your chances in the playoffs?
avenger : laff.
John : Any comments or shout-outs?
avenger : I'd like to give a shout out to sidewalks, thanks for keeping me off the streets.
Simple Company - )sC(
John : Now that the season is soon over, what are your overall opinions on how your team preformed so far?
Joshinator : I think all of us played better than everyone else in IM. We are clearly the number 1 team in IM, and our players and record show that.
John : What's your starting lineup?
Joshinator : Klerk, Tugger, British, Joshinator, Crafty, and number 6 is up in the air because raz0r is going
having some couple time with spiderblue.
John : What was your most difficult match of this season?
Joshinator : They were all pretty easy.I guess the least easy would be our match against our own roster.
John : What team(s) surprised you this season?
Joshinator : Simple Company. They are all great players, and really deserve to win IM.
John : How do you see your chances in the playoffs?
Joshinator : Well, I expect that we'll talk a lot of trash before the match sunday, that way KLIQ can come in as waste-managment and clean us up.
John : Any comments or shout-outs?
Joshinator : I'd like to give a shout out to SpiderBlue, Raz0r, Rauch, and UN.
Charlie is the best assasin known to man. He apparantly killed a president back in the day. Not sure how I feel about that.
To men without hats for creating the safety dance. Justin beiber for giving me a role model to hate.
And last but not least, I'd like to give a shout out to my sisters, who were able to keep their identity's a secret, even though raz0r searched and searched for pictures. Without them, my internet connection would be much faster
Shout-outs to;
Crono for keeping KliQ's teamname secret and how to make smileys in steam chat. That ****.
John : Now that the season is soon over, what are your overall opinions on how your team preformed so far?
DanJhonson : Overall I would say my team as preformed excellently. We work well together as a team, no one rages (too much ), and we all generally have a blast together in and out of game.
John : What's your starting lineup?
DanJhonson : Our starting lineup is as follows:
Andrew Aka Jiminy and Crank on the first rifles.
Snoops and DmW on the heavys.
Jakimo on the sniper.
And DanJhonson (Me) on the third rifle.
John : What was your most difficult match of this season?
DanJhonson : Probably our match against Kliq, those guys are serious about some **** dod.
John : What team(s) surprised you this season?
DanJhonson : Honestly I wasn't expecting i[3] to put up quite as tough of a fight as they did, that match really could have gone either way.
John : How do you see your chances in the playoffs?
DanJhonson : I think it will be tough, there is a lot of good teams in IM this season, and a few dirty sandbaggers in said teams *cough**coughavengercough**cough* . I mostly am looking forward to playing i[3] again, was loads of fun the first time, shouldn't disappoint the second time around.
John : Any comments or shout-outs?
DanJhonson : Shout-outs to:
CraftyDus for hosting an awesome server for scrims/12 mans, and always remembering to get rcon ss's when I forget, introducing me to the competitive dod scene last year, and being a generally cool dude.
All of gskill for always being down to scrim when I am looking, you basement dwelling nerds you <3.
Alex Kirk and all the XM MvM crew for introducing me to the Mann vs. Machine mode in TF2, we'll beat Bigrock on advanced some day, I have faith (probably never beat it on expert though)!
Mike of .iwa for being a loveable tramp.
The Sopranos night cup team for carrying me in the night cup all the way to victory!
Diso aka. Chaos for being a crazy vent lurker.
And last but not least I would like to thank nicholson, db, rws, sizurp, everyone on oXeye (even the ones that haven't been banned... yet), wicked, and several others for helping launch CraftyDus's illustrious career as an AC admin.
KliQ - -=KliQ=-
John : Now that the season is soon over, what are your overall opinions on how your team preformed so far?
Crono : We did okay. We should of done better but my team just baits each other 24/7.
What's your starting lineup?
Crono/shots: heavy
zeon/pcoon: rifle
Ralph dping: stoss/carbine
widow: Sniper
John : What was your most difficult match of this season?
Crono : Um prob the NB match since we basicly played with 5 due to a certain player being useless with a rifle. He is no longer playing with us [=
John : What team(s) surprised you this season?
Crono : No one really. I would say my own team surprised me the most. Kids bait too much aka ralph.
John : How do you see your chances in the playoffs?
CronoWe expect to win. If we dont i blame ralph. sadly he prob wont be reading this.
John : Any comments or shout-outs?
Crono : Sears for sending me a friends request. Todo for being a mean. Ralph for dating a chick named lauren. Kalas cause i miss him. And ummm will smith for being a cool/nice black man.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - =TMNT=
John : Now that the season is soon over, what are your overall opinions on how your team preformed so far?
Tin Bad : We definitely did better than we did last of couple seasons. Not sure if it’s because Krud doesn’t TK us AS much since he doesn’t show up or if it’s cause we are in IM.
John : What's your starting lineup?
Tin Bad : Whoever shows up! I think our actual starting lineup showed up maybe twice this entire season.
Donatello-Krud-Heavy -Tk king with nades..
Odin-Heavy-gay corner proner
Splinter-Tin Bad-rifle
Henry-rifle/heavy/Odin’s play toy/Yaso’s brother
Raphael-Rifle-got deployed :/ But he’s back now!
John : What was your most difficult match of this season?
Tin Bad : All of them. We had to work around our own TK’s for each!
John : What team(s) surprised you this season?
Tin Bad : Illuminati almost had their perfect season…but lost to nogo..
KliQ is still undefeated this season >_>
I thought 92DT would do well and hold their own in invite this season.
John : How do you see your chances in the playoffs?
Tin Bad : We are gonna bring it home.. Everyone else’s cheats stopped working after the update.. but ours still work fine..Krud uses his aimbot to tk us so we don’t stomp on the other teams.
John : Any comments or shout-outs?
-Our ringers - Sean(Sean’s beard), SKN, Bullet Slinger, Yaso, anyone else who did that I’m forgetting, THX!.
-And everyone that let us use ringers..THX!
- yohnny for doing the playoff previews, THX!
The Heartbreakers - </3
John : Now that the season is soon over, what are your overall opinions on how your team preformed so far?
Sp|dEr : While the season was fun and enjoyable, it was somewhat lackluster for us since we could not get our starters to very many matches. Overall though I think everyone on the team had a good time and we will look forward to next season
John : What's your starting lineup?
Sp|dEr : Our preferred starting line up would be - Myself, Nunz, Mike?, Jlin, ao, and GRIMM... Unfortunately in the regular season it proved difficulty to have everyones schedules line up, but hey thats life and we have had great backups in Softersin, AlopeX, and stamp who at least shows up.
John : What was your most difficult match of this season?
Sp|dEr : Honestly I don't think we have had any "difficult" matches.... We have held our own in each match with the players we have had. If I had to pick though I would say the frenches just because it was on emmanuel lol
John : What team(s) surprised you this season?
Sp|dEr : vVv imo surprised a lot of people. What they lack in raw skill they really make up for in teamwork, and ultimately that is the deciding factor in winning matches.
John : How do you see your chances in the playoffs?
Sp|dEr : It really depends on who shows up to play in the matches and whether or not they show up to play.
John : Any comments or shout-outs?
Sp|dEr : Shout-outs to all 38th out there... Milo of course, Quarter, Hudson, and the rest of those nerds I know out there.glhfmb...
Intense Intents In Tents - i[3] *
John : Now that the season is soon over, what are your overall opinions on how your team performed so far?
hypnotik : I think we could have done better if we had a 2nd actual heavy and not somebody filling in everyweek, and I didn't land as many 1 bars as I would have liked to. (p.s. I fixed your spelling mistake)
John : What's your starting lineup?
hypnotik :
carpendork, ****, hyphyphonontikitik, strideher, tranny trance, and whoever shows up for last spot
John : What was your most difficult match of this season?
hypnotik : From what I've heard the dod_harrington match I missed against vVv
John : What team(s) surprised you this season?
nypnotik : honestly my team surprised me by sticking together even though we lost 2 **** to cheating.
John : How do you see your chances in the playoffs?
hypnotik : pffffffffffft.. Could go either way we can either pretend we enjoy the game still and play to win or just goof around and go for movie shots for shits and giggles(not that I don't do that already)
John : Any comments or shout-outs?
hypnotik : Carpenter for enjoying and getting to hear his reactions to my 1bars all the time
Nasty Boys - NB *
John : Now that the season is soon over, what are your overall opinions on how your team preformed so far?
avenger : about as well as we expected, we rarely if ever scrim.
John : What's your starting lineup?
avenger : yaso,me, knuckles,kalvas,travis and unreal
John : What was your most difficult match of this season?
avenger : um, for me personally halle. i hate heavying that map. as a team probably our first match vs frzzz it was such a close game all the way through. lost by 12 points i think, but it was a lot of fun.
John : What team(s) surprised you this season?
avenger : none. dreams have been dashed.
John : How do you see your chances in the playoffs?
avenger : laff.
John : Any comments or shout-outs?
avenger : I'd like to give a shout out to sidewalks, thanks for keeping me off the streets.
Simple Company - )sC(
John : Now that the season is soon over, what are your overall opinions on how your team preformed so far?
Joshinator : I think all of us played better than everyone else in IM. We are clearly the number 1 team in IM, and our players and record show that.
John : What's your starting lineup?
Joshinator : Klerk, Tugger, British, Joshinator, Crafty, and number 6 is up in the air because raz0r is going
having some couple time with spiderblue.
John : What was your most difficult match of this season?
Joshinator : They were all pretty easy.I guess the least easy would be our match against our own roster.
John : What team(s) surprised you this season?
Joshinator : Simple Company. They are all great players, and really deserve to win IM.
John : How do you see your chances in the playoffs?
Joshinator : Well, I expect that we'll talk a lot of trash before the match sunday, that way KLIQ can come in as waste-managment and clean us up.
John : Any comments or shout-outs?
Joshinator : I'd like to give a shout out to SpiderBlue, Raz0r, Rauch, and UN.
Charlie is the best assasin known to man. He apparantly killed a president back in the day. Not sure how I feel about that.
To men without hats for creating the safety dance. Justin beiber for giving me a role model to hate.
And last but not least, I'd like to give a shout out to my sisters, who were able to keep their identity's a secret, even though raz0r searched and searched for pictures. Without them, my internet connection would be much faster
Shout-outs to;
Crono for keeping KliQ's teamname secret and how to make smileys in steam chat. That ****.
Re: Season 31 Playoff Preview - Intermediate
Updated with the answers from Simple Company(sC)
- Posts: 238
- Joined: Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:56 am
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Re: Season 31 Playoff Preview - Intermediate
I don't know how much longer I can sit here and watch my reputation be impugned. There will be retribution. The kind that nice guys dole out.nhoj wrote:Crono : Sears for sending me a friends request. Todo for being a mean. Ralph for dating a chick named lauren. Kalas cause i miss him. And ummm will smith for being a cool/nice black man.
- Posts: 417
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Re: Season 31 Playoff Preview - Intermediate
solid answers josh.
Re: Season 31 Playoff Preview - Intermediate
Name time and place!Todo wrote:I don't know how much longer I can sit here and watch my reputation be impugned. There will be retribution. The kind that nice guys dole out.nhoj wrote:Crono : Sears for sending me a friends request. Todo for being a mean. Ralph for dating a chick named lauren. Kalas cause i miss him. And ummm will smith for being a cool/nice black man.
- Posts: 314
- Joined: Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:58 pm
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Re: Season 31 Playoff Preview - Intermediate
Can I lick you Todo?
Re: Season 31 Playoff Preview - Intermediate
Todo wrote:
- Posts: 238
- Joined: Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:56 am
- Clans: -|Ea|-, b3, dboLT, bubbles/sparkles, schweiss, bootman, gg #awfulworks, 151
Re: Season 31 Playoff Preview - Intermediate
I thought you'd never ask. Too bad my name isn't Toado, eh? Eh comrades?Gorillabc wrote:Can I lick you Todo?
- Posts: 663
- Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:20 am
- Clans: FurY, ( s )ttR. sQ , toggles, [38th], vVv
- Location: Sweden
Re: Season 31 Playoff Preview - Intermediate
No shout-out Dan?