420 in Toronto Ontario

Mostly dank memes.
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420 in Toronto Ontario

Post by TonyMontana »

I love weed, and I love Canada.....I had no idea we took it this far.

I can't believe I missed this, and will be sure not to again.

its a video posted on facebook, but it's a public profile so im pretty sure itll work
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Re: 420 in Toronto Ontario

Post by sevEN »

sorry i just think that is beyond retarded.
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Re: 420 in Toronto Ontario

Post by TonyMontana »

Don't even get me started about what's beyond retarded in 'Merica
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Re: 420 in Toronto Ontario

Post by showtime »

sevEN wrote:sorry i just think that is beyond retarded.
Chuck Foo
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Re: 420 in Toronto Ontario

Post by Chuck Foo »

With weed having been prohibited for so long I think it's great to finally get it out in the open. Legalize it everywhere and take away 75% of the drug cartels profits while enhancing the tax base at home.
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Re: 420 in Toronto Ontario

Post by hildebrand »

While I smoke the occasional joint, that must have been awful to stand in.
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Re: 420 in Toronto Ontario

Post by TonyMontana »

Chuck Foo wrote:With weed having been prohibited for so long I think it's great to finally get it out in the open. Legalize it everywhere and take away 75% of the drug cartels profits while enhancing the tax base at home.

Well kinda. Marijuana isn't coke, I mean.....People make money off it, but even if you plant a massive field of weed and sell it, rather than going to a major distributor aka a "cartel" even STILL you're not going to be "rich". You'll live comfortably, but you wont be a "TonyMontana".

It WOULD very much boost the economy though. I think here in 2014 we can all agree that weed is alot less harmful for you than other legal substances like alcohol or cigarettes. So why not?
Think about all those people within that 420 rally in Toronto alone. If they had bought their weed from a legal place, that would have been hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax money raised in one province, on one day. I'd much rather see that money go into building roads, improving schools, fixing the god damned Don-Valley Parkway death-trap of a highway (If you've drove on the DVP you understand). I'd say about 70% of Canadians smoke weed occasionally or more, so legalizing it isn't really gonna make that number any worse.

Where is Jakimo when you need him?
I am nothing compared to Jak, he's all legal (tender and fine. lol remember Snow?) And he knows more about weed than anyone I've ever talked to. We actually had a long discussion about weed the other night. Did you know weed can help you lose weight? I can't remember if its Sativa or Indica (two different types of weed). But they actually help speed up your metabolism. And it's entirely true, I've seen it first hand.
And there are others too, I just don't know about them well enough to talk about them like i know what I'm talking about.

You're getting a little chunky around the edges yourself sevEN. Maybe you should pick up a joint and shed some of that anger-weight.
(ah the `.=. days :) )
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Re: 420 in Toronto Ontario

Post by nhoj »

TonyMontana wrote: You're getting a little chunky around the edges yourself sevEN. Maybe you should pick up a joint and shed some of that anger-weight.
[img]http://img0.joyreactor.com/pics/post/gi ... 379351.gif[/img
(ah the `.=. days :) )
It may have health benefits(pretty sure way more than cigarettes), but like any other drug it comes with cons when being used. In the end it's better living a healthy life without drugs, cigarettes/snus and alcohol. Good way to waste your money~
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Re: 420 in Toronto Ontario

Post by sevEN »

besides admitting it to people i play games with, such as most of you in dod, i do not disclose the fact that i smoke pot to anybody. even with my "medical prescription" to do it. it carries a horrible stigma and is largely looked down upon, largely due to giant crowds of low life retarded people who want to celebrate it like in that video. did all of those people take a day off work, a day off of making **** money to pay their bills, to go blow smoke in the air as a giant group on 4/20 @ 4:20pm? or are most of those pot smoking losers unemployed? i am guessing the later.

i agree from a government standpoint, from a tax standpoint, and from a "war against drugs" stand point, it makes a lot of sense to fully legalize marijuana. but do i want hundreds of people taking their blunts out to time square in new york and getting high together? and then going home to raise their little children or go back to work stoned out of their mind to SERVE ME in their place of business? Do i want my mechanic, my doctor, my dentist, my boss at work, or my children to be running around high? do you want to get into a cab and have a stoned ass cab driver driving you home? i am not saying it is a gateway drug to other drugs, but in a majority of cases it is a gateway into being a loser. not always, but most of the time. just because it is legalized, which is most likely going to happen eventually, doesn't mean it is a good habit for anyone to have. it is abused way way way too much and that will only get WORSE once it is legalized.

do that shit in the privacy of your own home, keep it to yourself and your friends, don't flaunt it around like it is some kind of accomplishment that you are a giant stoner, be responsible with it and carry on with trying to succeed in your life.

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Re: 420 in Toronto Ontario

Post by sloth »

TonyMontana wrote: Think about all those people within that 420 rally in Toronto alone. If they had bought their weed from a legal place, that would have been hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax money raised in one province, on one day. I'd much rather see that money go into building roads, improving schools, fixing the god damned Don-Valley Parkway death-trap of a highway (If you've drove on the DVP you understand). I'd say about 70% of Canadians smoke weed occasionally or more, so legalizing it isn't really gonna make that number any worse.
1. according to police estimates, the toronto rally had around 2000 participants present. even if we assume the number was 4000 (for fun), each person present would have had to spend 192.30 dollars on marijuana to reach a collective tax revenue of 100,000 (at 13% sales tax). 384.62 dollars per person assuming the police estimates were correct. do these numbers seem reasonable to you?

2. the highest estimate for canadian marijuana usage is around 15%, one-fifth your imaginative estimate. when you go to a public place, do you really think that three-quarters of the people you see "smoke weed occasionally, or more"? 70% of the population of canada would span the age demographic from 15 to 65 years of age...

i understand that you have tons of fascinating ideas and opinions that you want to share with the dod community. nevertheless, your posts are quite inane enough without you incorporating made up statistical information in them.

warm regards

inb4 urmad, fat, etc.

http://www.citynews.ca/2014/04/20/pot-p ... e-for-420/
http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/canad ... n-1.659074
http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and- ... -2011.html
http://www.statcan.gc.ca/daily-quotidie ... 8a-eng.htm
http://www.torontosun.com/2014/04/20/to ... uare-rally
http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableau ... 0a-eng.htm
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